FNO Manchester

Fashion’s Night Out has moved to Manchester this year, and yours truly is playing a part in making it happen, alongside some amazing colleagues. Keep up to date with all the exciting things going on on Thursday 10th October by checking out and liking the brand spanking new Facebook page exclusively for FNO Manchester – http://www.facebook.com/FNOManchester

Get liking people!


& Other Stories

Today is a very exciting day indeed. Those kind souls over at H&M have given all women the best possible present on International Women’s Day – the launch of & Other Stories. & Other Stories is the latest shop opened by the company who already gave us the wonder that is Cos, and today is the first day that the clothes, accessories and beauty products are available for purchase in the UK. The new brand started out as a make up line, and grew into what can easily be called the most exciting shop to hit the UK this year. Taking inspiration from street style, the clothes are what modern women want – chic, clean, beautifully made and affordable; think classic cool Scandinavian style, with a smattering of Sandro and a pinch of CĂ©line. They are divided into four clothing collections: industrial, poetic and dandy, feminine and glamorous, and tailored and strong, so that you can mix and match whatever your personal aesthetic. In short, the shop is wonderful and you should all check it out, either in person or online. Just don’t tell anyone else about it, it’s too good to be shared.






Stud Obsession

Without noticing it, I have recently added more and more studded items to my wardrobe. It is an unconscious action that occurs when I go shopping, leaving me with clothes, shoes and bags covered in metal embellishments. I realised this after my last shopping trip when I came home, surveyed my purchases and found that I had bought a Topshop cardigan with studded shoulders and a clutch from Urban Outfitters with little gold studs on the sides (pictured below). Studs are everywhere now (luckily for me) and even better, they are elegant and understated, rather than in-your-face and gothic like they used to be. The best way to incorporate them into an outfit is with a small detail, for example, a studded shoulder or shoe. This way you avoid looking like you’ve crawled home from a grungy night in Camden. Whereas studs and leather used to be considered a match made in heaven, they now look best juxtaposed on silk or wool. They also work best with neutral colours, although royal blue and gold stud details are a winner. Here are some of the best items on the high street at the minute:

Where the love affair began, all those years ago – Alexander Wang Coco Duffel

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